What I Re-Learned About Volunteering From Surviving a Tornado

Tim Suda is an experienced Volunteer Engagement professional, and has worked in emergency response Volunteer Leadership with the American Red Cross. However, on January 12, 2023, his life turned upside down when he was caught up in a tornado and became a recipient of the kind of services he and his volunteer teams typically provide. In this unique and moving feature article for Engage, Suda explores five key Volunteer Engagement lessons he revisited when the tables turned in this way. Writes Suda, “I’ve known these points about engaging and empowering volunteers for many years. I’ve talked about them in presentations. I have lead trainings on them. However, it is a whole different experience to re-experience them during such an emotional and personal event. It’s a big reminder to me as a Volunteer Engagement professional that I need to remember to focus on these basics to be successful in my work.”
Paul Falkowski/National Association of Long-Term Care Volunteers
Mon, 10/16/2023Great article, Tim. I believe our communities are filled with great people looking for meaningful ways to serve, but we have to have our act together otherwise they will go somewhere else. Thanks.