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Marc Musick and John Wilson are doing some of the most interesting and useful studies of volunteer behavior today, and this current article, co-written with William Bynum, is no exception. In what is both a review of available literature and new research of their own, the…
July 2001
Our previous issues have dealt with serious topics related to volunteerism, demonstrating the capacity of the Web to produce amazing amounts of useful material to assist managers of volunteer programs. Of course, that's only one side of the Web. The other, more entertaining,…
April 2001
One of the more amazing things about the Internet is the sheer amount of information that is available. While much of it is foolish, a good bit of it is the result of hard work and research. Those seriously interested in volunteerism can find an immense amount of survey research…
April 2002
Australia has been a hotbed of volunteering activity for the past few years and this report is an indication of the increasing seriousness with which the Australian government is attempting to involve itself in promoting volunteering. The report was produced as part of the 2001…
April 2002
If there were a Ten Commandments of Volunteer Management, one of them would surely be the statement "volunteers should supplement, not supplant, paid staff." Drilled firmly into the head of every new volunteer manager is the fact that staff support is dependent upon relieving…
April 2002
The Saguaro Seminar is a program of Harvard University that builds on the work of Robert Putnam (author of Bowling Alone: Collapse and Revival of the American Community). One of its initial activities was to conduct this national survey of almost 30,000 people, released in…
April 2001
One of the most frequent questions on listservs for volunteer program managers is: "What is the value of volunteer time?" Since we're really tired of reading both the question and the responses, we decided to provide the definitive list of places to learn far, far more than you…
January 2001
As the Internet continues its pervasive growth through global society, attempts to utilize it in volunteer involvement also continue. This article will review efforts to use the Internet to address one of the basic questions in volunteering-- how can volunteers and volunteer…
January 2001