Susan J. Ellis and Her Legacy of Training

Susan J. Ellis may be best remembered for her prolific writing and famous "Hot Topics," her personal musings on important issues in the volunteer engagement field. But for many people, their fondest memories and biggest 'aha' moments came from Ellis’ work as a trainer. This Training Designs shares the insights and lessons learned from Ellis as she blazed a trail across the field and trained thousands of leaders of volunteers, past and present.
Corina Sadler, CVA / Texas, USA
Mon, 08/24/2020This was excellent, wonderful memories to share with the world. Thank you!
Andy Fryar, OzVPM, Adelaide
Fri, 08/21/2020Thank you Erin for reminding us all about Susan's astute training abilities and the impact that it had on so many of us. I remember (along with Martin Cowling), hosting training sessions for her around Australia and remember the joy of watching attendees faces light up as those AHA moments hit! So many great memories.
Lucas Meijs, Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands
Fri, 08/14/2020When Susan did a short workshop tour in The Netherlands she was invited by a national organization for volunteers in social services. The organization made a big deal out of their annual volunteering day having Susan there. But at the day itself none of the senior management people attended the day. I guess most people can imagine how Susan started. Indeed, by showcasing the true neglecting of volunteers by this organization, as they did not bother to come. Her intervention was so Susan, and so non-Dutch. I learned a lot that day.
Secondly, Susan pushed me to write a contribution in IJOVA on a volunteer training workshop. I am still glad she negged me.
Third, I remember anecdotes: about her mother having all this stripes of volunteer recognition, about organizations not deserving volunteers based upon the metaphor of ‘spoiled grease’…. Etc etc