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John L. Lipp

John brings over 18 years experience in the nonprofit sector and has directly managed volunteer programs in a variety of agencies. From 1996 to 1999 he served as the Executive Director of the Volunteer Exchange of Santa Clara County.  

 As a consultant specializing in volunteerism, nonprofit management, and executive transition issues, John has worked with a variety of organizations and has served as a trainer and keynote speaker on the local and national level. Clients range from the Washington, DC-based Points of Light Foundation to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the Nebraska Governor’s Conference on Community Service.  In April 2002 he was honored to be an invited presenter at the first AVA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Volunteer Administration in Busan, Korea. In March, 2005, he will be traveling for the US State Department and presenting workshops on volunteer management throughout Argentina.

John is co-author of Volunteers for the City: A How-To Manual for Developing or Enhancing Municipal Volunteer Programs, and currently teaches volunteer management for San Jose State University ’s Continuing Education Program in Nonprofit Management. He is also the co-founder of, a Sunnyvale, CA company offering a full line of recognition products and publications designed to enhance volunteerism in the nonprofit, public and private sectors.
John currently serves as Executive Director of PAWS (Pets Are Wonderful Support), a San Francisco nonprofit agency dedicated to providing practical and emotional support so people living with disabling illnesses can keep the love and companionship of their companion animals (